Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuit: Could It Happen to Your Business? Protect yourself with business insurance near you, CA

protect from lawsuits with business insurance

We live in sue-happy culture where no business is safe–including your very own. Business insurance near you, CA could save you.

1. A Dog Bite: If your employees are allowed to bring their pooches to work, a dog bite may see spend quite a bit. The average dog bite costs around $26,000 in damages, while the most extreme cases could reach over $1 million. (Depending on the extent of the damage.)

2. Slip-and-Fall: Mopping is an important part of your business. After all, a clean business is a happy business. But if someone is to slip and fall, the damages you may be responsible for paying could easily exceed $100,000.

3. Commercial Auto Accident: Vehicle accidents that involve employees can be costly, at an average of $24,000. Even if the accident is caused by an employee in their car, if they are driving for business, it will be up to your business to pay the damages. A fatality, however, may bring the damages to over $1 million.

Lawsuits are not to be taken easily as they can cause some serious damage to your business. The only way you can financially protect your business from the damages these lawsuits can bring is by purchasing quality business insurance near you, CA. Contact Castroll Insurance for all of your insurance needs.