A Small Business Owner’s Guide to Commercial Insurance

Your auto insurance policy doesn’t cover you for every kind of traffic accident.
Your personal auto insurance policy will only cover you for personal trips–even if you are driving your personal car. Trips like picking up Chinese food, driving to a concert, or just going to the park with your family are all covered because these are all personal trips. If you’re ever driving for anything business-related, your auto insurance policy will not cover you. This is why you need a commercial auto insurance policy if you are a small business owner who needs to travel on the road for business.
You Need Commercial Auto Insurance If . . .
You Take Meetings with Clients. It should be noted firstly that most auto insurance policies do not cover business driving. Using your own car to go to meetings is a business-related trip because you are driving during business hours and driving to discuss business. Meetings may be something you have to deal with on a daily basis, but the fender bender sure isn’t. Make sure you avoid this awful headache by being covered with a quality commercial auto insurance policy.
Employee Drives for Business Errands. Sending your employees to run errands for you may seem like a win-win scenario. On the one hand you are giving your employee time away from the office and on the other you are able to complete your errand without ever leaving your seat. And the best part is that they used their own car. No so fast. Because your employee is a running errands for the business their auto insurance won’t cover them. What’s worse is that it will be your business that will be held liable and held responsible for the payments. A proper commercial auto insurance policy will cover your business for collisions that happen to occur during business-related trips. Contact Castroll Insurance for all of your insurance needs.